Single Family Home
Prescott, Arizona
86% air leakage reduction in 2.5 hours
AeroBarrier Key to Success of New Award-Winning, Zero Energy Ready Homes

So when Mandalay’s chief technology officer first learned about a new innovation in envelope sealing that promises a fast, affordable means to extremely tight building envelopes, he had to try it out for himself. He knows that a tight building envelope is the foundation that makes every other feature of a high-performance home work – the tighter the envelope, the better the home performs.
Mandalay first tested AeroBarrier on a new 2,200 sqft, 3-bedroom house being built in Prescott, Arizona. The house was first sealed using a traditional spray foam sealing method, which after a full day of application, resulted in a tightness level of 2.0 ACH50. AeroBarrier was then applied in a simple process that took just a few hours to complete. The final results showed a post-AeroBarrier leakage rate of just 0.64 ACH50 – well below even the tightest industry standard for energy-efficient homes.
With the success of this initial project, Mandalay Homes now uses AeroBarrier on each and every home they build. Before its use, an average Mandalay Home boasted an envelope tightness of 1.5 ACH50. Now the average envelope tightness of a house built by Mandalay Homes is 0.50 ACH50.